Tuesday 26 October 2010

Development, Development AND MORE DEVELOPMENT.
I actually don't think I have ever done so much development for any other project! I'm hoping it will all pay off - through a nice crit prefferably :) I love this project so much, but for some reason keep struggling to not go off on that 'pretty' look. Uff crits help so much! Especially bad ones funnily enough. So my design continously keeps on changing! Everytime I think I have a final design - through the toiling process I keep changing it, I'm not sure if thats a good thing or not really? It's a little bit annoying as I think I've drawn a thousand flats! Not the most fun thing to draw - and I don't even know if I've got them right! lol.
I think this is the first time in the holidays where I've actually managed to sit down and just blog! So I'm in Luton at the moment - spending the week at my Grandparents :) My plan is to basically get everything done. I've set myself a little timetable (in hopes that I stick to it!)
Wednesday - Get all my overlocking done, Toile my skirt.
Thursday- Finish final corset.
Friday- Finish final skirt.
Saturday- Drapse over garment
I would love to say from Saturday I just intend on sleeping through till college on Monday, my lack of sleep is ridiculous! However half term is helping me! But anyways Sunday my brothers down in Nottingham and Dad too! They're back from Kenya tomorrow so I intend on seeing them for a little pub catch up this Sunday! (My little rant....
Urgh they were in Kenya for a whole month! for my first cousins wedding! and I had to miss it for college! The sacrifices I makeeee! I was gutted about it. But I'm slightly over it now)
Anyways mini update on life!
And I've just realised I have Lornas homework to do.... craaaaaaaaaaap.

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