Wednesday 12 May 2010

An Interesting Wednesday...

So I didn't get as much planned as I'd hoped today, but I managed to have a really good day! lol. My aim was to complete one part of my garment in Textiles but because some of the uniforms needed sorting out from the live project I spent the whole day in FEED. We added a range of colours to the uniform to show experimentation (although we still prefer the purple!) and completed all of the flats.

Towards the afternoon Mukesh joined us to see how we were getting on. He taught us about the use of colour with oil pastels and water! Throughout most of the afternoon me and Bhapinder spent mixing colours to create what is called 'Chromatic Greys' Something I'd never actually known of before, but had so much fun doing! Experimenting with colour hands on rather then on a MAC is so much more fun! Fascinating to learn - My hands were covered in colour by the end of it.

My day ended on a good note too... with cookie dough at pizza hut :D

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