Thursday, 9 September 2010

The Victoria and Albert Exhibition: Art and Love

Buckingham Palace

So I've finally decided to stick with Queen Victoria as a theme for this project, She's the one I've done the most research on through films, books and exhibitions. I'm completley fascinated with every aspect of her life, and the exhibition just topped it of for me. I can't even begin to describe how incredible the art her and Albert had collected over their years together. I was completley gutted I couldn't take photos! Not even on the sly! However I bought a book which pretty much had everything that I saw at the exhibition in :) The whole Victoriana era was just amazing, the fashion, the intricate details on everything!

London of course was a great day out! as per usual! I must have caught at least 10 tubes that day! After the first exhibition I headed down to South Kensington with my mum to the V&A... I thought whilst I was in London I might aswell visit sections of the V&A to add more research into my sketchbook...
However the museum stay got cut short as we'd found out the tubes/trains were on strike from 5! So we had to hurry it up a little bit - which was probably a good thing, because it meant we could spend more time at my grandmas house! :)

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