Thursday, 9 September 2010

Bye, Bye Nottingham - Hello Leicester ?

It feels like ages since I've blogged - It's actually ridiculous how much time I spent throughout the summer blogging! For the past week or so, things have been pretty hectic! Well.. I've moved house, and no - not to Birmingham.

So the past conversations with people have basically been going something like this
.....So, what's new?
Well I've moved out of Nottingham!
.....So, you're living in Birmingham now?
Actually Leicester!
.....Isn't that further away from Birmingham?


Reason why? Well we've completley put our house up for rent... it's way too big for just me and mum! And plus mum's been helping her friend build up her salon so we've moved in with her for the year! And.... I have a manikin :) It's working out much cheaper then actually living in Birmingham.

We literally had two days to pack up 20years worth of living in that house! Utter maddness and chaos. We had friends coming in and out of our house throughout the day helping us pack up! Luckily we get to keep our loft and garage. So most of everything has been dumped there!
I got quite emotional leaving the house... I've lived there my entire life! But I guess change is good :) I've always said... move forward, embrace change - it helps you grow (not height wise, unfortunatly lol. but mentally) Plus Leicester's not too far from Nottingham, so I can go back and forth a lot!

I took a few shots of my gorgeous house once it had been emptied! (Well - Almost emptied!)

In the whole 19 years of my life, I have NEVER seen my mum's room so tidy!

My gorgeous room! Suprisingly enough my new room is Lilac, with lots of wooden furniture :)


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