Thursday, 29 April 2010

Thursday :)

So today has been quite a productive day, I feel as if I've managed to get a lot done... which is always a good feeling:D The day started at 12:00, meaning I managed to grab a bit of a lie in...can't really complain eh. So I arrived into Birmingham at precisley 10:54. All of this sounds retarded I know, but i'm taking a break from sewing, my eyes started to go wierd so I thought it'd be best. Now as you can see, I'm trying to kill as much time as possible by writing about my rather productive day :D lol. I went straight up to Millenium Point, where I spent about 15 minutes with my darling. And then he went of back to lesson so I started sketchbooking :)
In Production Skills I managed to complete all of my toiles.. which included a waistcoat, and a sleeve fitting with a zip (for my jumpsuit) Then inbetween I started doing my surface pattern for Textiles - which needs to be done before I can actually pattern cut onto my fabric.

We finished lesson around half two, me and Becky were near the doors and then I realised it was chucking it down with rain. So I left her by the doors carrying my half eaten banana, all my bags (with half my stuff out of the bags - as I was trying to make room so things wouldn't get wet!)and ran back to the FL to put my pattern cutting pieces in. I think I would actually cry if they got ruined.

We sped walk upto the train station, and I jumped of the 3:20 train, then got home for 4:40 :) I suddently felt the urge to be productive and have therefore been working on my surface pattern for Textiles ever since I got home really... with a little a lot breaks. But I'm getting somewhere.

Blogs just feel empty without visuals, so I decided to take some pictures. It's PROOF. I'm getting somewhere :D

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